
Below is a list of all domains owned by LoopHolez Media

Registered: June 16th, 2021 - - Main domain

Registered: March 28th, 2024 - - Alternative domain

Registered: September 23rd, 2024 - - Shortened domain for shortened URLs (Stands for LoopHolez Media)

Registered: September 27th, 2024 - - Claimed for reservation reasons (Not linked to a website. Only linked to LoopHolez Media emails)

Below is a list of all domains that are NO LONGER OWNED by LoopHolez Media

Registered: June 8th, 2020 - Last used by LoopHolez Media: June 15th, 2021 - (Reason: Registrar scammed us and reclaimed the domain even after we paid)

Registered: August 25th, 2022 - Last used by LoopHolez Media: September 23rd, 2023 - (Reason: The domain was created as an inside joke with a few friends and I didn't feel like it needed to be renewed. The website it was linked to can now be accessed by using

Below is a list of all domains that are in any way affiliated with LoopHolez Media

There are currently NO domains that are officially affiliated with LoopHolez Media

If a domain that is not owned by or affiliated with LoopHolez Media is claiming to be affiliated with us then DO NOT interact with them. Report them to and the situation will be handled.

To contact somebody with questions regarding a domain owned by LoopHolez Media then please email You will have to ask for Cole Whalley and say that your conversation is regarding one of our domains. Please specify which one.

Email Template:

From: [Your Email Address]


Body: Hello, My name is [Your Name Here] and I am looking to contact Cole Whalley in regards to the domain name [LHM Owned Domain Name]. Please get back to me when you can.